What Do You Think Motivates Someone To Work In Your Business?
In motive lies strength but the wrong motive disperses and neutralises anyone’s real strength including that of your business. What motivates someone to work in your business is critical to its performance.
Active Knowledge Questions:
Do you pay attention to the motives that draw people to your business? Moreover, do you understand the impact that different motives will have on their performance?
What gives someone the courage and determination to achieve goals that others could not even imagine? Put simply, the secret to their achievement lies in their motive. A motive that has led them to succeed where many others would not even try.
Of course, there are many levels of achievement and many motives that can empower someone. There is not one motive that everyone can latch onto to underpin their performance and success. Motives are personal, and I think unique in their DNA for each of us.
Purpose and motive are not necessarily the same, but they do need to be in alignment. Purpose typically seeds motive, and there are right and wrong motives. The right motive magnifies and compounds your strength to succeed.The wrong motive disperses and neutralises that strength.
As individuals, we need to set, protect and control our motives if we are to achieve our full potential. They set the ceiling to our success. Do you ever reflect on how your motives influence your behaviour?
In business, motive is also everything. And if the right motive is not established and defended by leadership, the business will never achieve what is possible. Leadership does set the pre-eminent motive within their business.
An entirely new level of performance.
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All the best in the success of your business,
Richard Shrapnel