Trapped In The Past And No Future
When you have no vision for the future, you will turn back to your past. And in business, living in the past is a sure road to failure. But crafting your future as a continuously evolving journey will ensure you are always living in the future.
Active Knowledge Question:
What are you doing every day to help you see your future?
It’s logical, if you are unable to see the future, if you have no vision of where to go, then you will simply continue on the course already set. You will continue to live out the past and repeat that which you did yesterday.
In business, and life generally, the principle of living in the past can be dangerous for your continued growth and viability. Moreover, without growth, you will wither and die.
Your customers’ needs are evolving, your competitors are searching for better ways to meet those needs, and everything that may impact your customers and your business is changing. Your business cannot standstill nor just repeat what it has done in the past.
But there can be real challenges in releasing the past and allowing the future to emerge. Most businesses resist change and find safety in the past and even when decline sets in, it takes a lot to shake the hold that the past has on the business and its leaders.
However, if you view your business as being on a continuous journey that is evolving and each turn in the road can reveal new opportunities, then you will find your business developing a ‘taste’ for this life.
Evolving, stepping out and reinventing itself will be actions that become second nature for your business, and your future will always be assured.
An entirely new level of performance.
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All the best in the success of your business,
Richard Shrapnel