Fear As A Motivator In Business
Fear, whether recognised or not, is often the motivator of choice used in business to deliver performance. And while I do not doubt that it does deliver, I am also sure that it does not optimise the potential of any business. Further that without fear, the business would be far more successful.
Active Knowledge Question:
What do you believe is the underlying energy/motivation that permeates your business?
Many leaders would not recognise that fear is the motivator of choice in their business. But fear present within any business will undermine its competitive fitness and performance.
The impact of fear within a business can be most readily described as follows:
- When fear is present, a person’s fight or flight response is activated, and their sympathetic nervous system is lite up. And while fear may drive immediate focus and action, it is not sustainable over an extended period of time.
- If fear is your constant underlying energy, then over time you will become drained, ill and weaker — in all respects. Your performance will diminish, and your ability to contribute will deteriorate.
- A leader at any level in business can instil fear into their workplace.
- Fear is contagious, and even if not spoken about its presence can quickly permeate an entire business.
Many of the sources of fear are common in all businesses and are simply accepted as part of the rough and tumble of business and being employed. Employees are expected to be able to manage their emotions and deal with these fears on a day to day basis.
But clearly there is a scale, and the more you as a leader can reduce the level of fear, or uncertainty, then the stronger the competitive fitness of your business.
Quite simply, you do not want your employees’ energy being absorbed by fear in their daily work.
You want a very different type of energy permeating every aspect of your business.
An entirely new level of performance.
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All the best in the success of your business,
Richard Shrapnel